Vedic Astrology Readings & Jyotish Readings by Veno
Veno Astrology

"The reading was very informative and helped to confirm some areas I am already exploring as being on the right track, and introduced some new potentials that I probably never would of considered."
"Thank you so much for the amazing reading! It is correct , deep and personal. I am happy you have taken the fear and suspicion element out of the reading which shows your level of consciousness indeed " .
"The only astrology reading i ever need. There is no end to your wisdom.I humbly bow to you - without beginning or end."
" I was an astrology skeptic before. Through you, I have discovered the power of Jyothish in unraveling so many things about life which are otherwise not explainable or not seen by senses or grasped by limited logical mind. Honestly, I have consulted a few astrologers on internet before I consulted you but the depth of coverage and insights in your readings were many cuts above the rest. Sometimes while reading your readings, it occurs to me that you also possess great degree of psychic powers. I believe, it is only due to my destiny/good karma that made it possible for me to consult you. I wish the Divine give you all the resources you need to continue consulting other souls in their journeys through the Matrix."
-G, India
"I have no words to say thank you like how at times I feel about my Guru. So I would like to say, "Love you soooo much" for this."
-V, India
"I was in complete out of tune in my life when I first contacted you. I was confused, surprised, shocked and at my lowest self esteem. But you and your astrology course helped me and healed me like a mother’s love. I am so grateful that I have been in constant touch with you. I am in a much better shape and I am thankful to you.
I wish the eternal mother bless you with everything."
-R, India
"You are helping change my life. For that, I am very grateful."
"Namaste. Your reading was deep, to the point, honest, powerful, helpful, insightful.... more than anything it gives me a feeling of 'safety' that I have good coming to me. Your interpretation of the chart I find to be written and presented in a positive way which I appreciated. Overall, I think you're awesome. Best of luck to you!"
-Blessings Krishna, Florida
"I've had the boon of a Birth Chart reading a while back, and it was such an important tool for my inner transformation and was instrumental in setting completely new directions for my life."
-R. Ferreira, Canada
" I just want you to know that we are very grateful for your laser-beam help yet again. Readings from you heighten self-trust and that is a powerful thing."
"I so treasure you and your spiritual perspective! I know that your muhurtha gave me a blessing. And I know the people that bought the house will be blessed.."
"The reading that I got from you last year was well written and has been a constant source of inspiration for my life"
"I would like to thank you for such a special reading - I have been reading it each day since I received it. Thank you for your direction and the difference it has made in my life."
-Dayl, Astrologer ,USA
" I read it several times stupified by the accuracy of the reading."
-RK, India
" Firstly your reading spoke straight to me. This reading has cleared up all those questions which I asked.."
-SC, Australia
"I have just listened again to my c.d. I want to say a huge thankyou - it is amazing. Every word. And so beautiful! And so accurate. Thankyou, all I want is to be at one with the divine and to transform all my negativity/anger etc. And to be of service to humanity, You have really helped me. With Love to you dear Veno and eternal gratitude."
"For the first time in my life I feel an astrologer has accurately described the energies I live with. I just want to say how much I appreciate your clarity, your caring and your focus."
-Isabella, UK
" I'm really thankful for being fortunate to have found you. May God's love and blessings be always with you." .
-Roosevelt, Brazil
"Thank you so much for your wonderful reading... I feel so much happier about everything. Even though my heart was guiding me in the right direction, it's fantastic to have astrological confirmation of it."
-C. Wildwood, Wales
"Oh my god, you answered all the questions! Yes, you are right about everything."
"After the reading, the residue/energy that remains weeks later is still propelling me toward accomplishing life long dreams and aspirations. Her reading affirmed and gave true meaning to what I've always known. I have recommended this astrologer to several of my friends and colleagues, who in turn had the same experience as I, total confidence that she knows what she is doing."
-T. Meyette Arizona
" Many thanks for your work and profound insights into my life."
-Marley, USA
"Thankyou for your recent reading of my personal chart. You answered my most important questions that I did not pose. "
- Juha Elo, Finland
"Thank you so much for the wonderfully detailed reading. It contained answers to all my questions, regarding my brother, family and my career path. It also helped me confirm a lot of things about my life purpose which I felt I knew intuitively but wasn't quite certain of. Y"
Thank you so much for your insightful report...for the first time it all comes together. I feel you are able to help me in a very grounded heart-centered way. Thank you for being so Yourself in the full meaning of the word -- open and clear and kind. "
- Isabella from Cornwall UK
"Thank you again for doing my chart. It has proved to have been an important move in my life to have had you cast it, and I am learning more and more from reading it and researching some of the terms and concepts and gaining a better understanding of my life's path in this incarnation."
-Utkarsh, India
"I must have read it more than 30 times now. It's like you are showing me the mirror. It feels as if I'm standing in front of it. What all was there in my heart and I was planning to do, you have told me very clearly, what I need to do and how I need to do it.I greatly respect your words,I never got such a prediction."
-Md, India
"Thank you very much, Veno. I would recommend you to any one as both an astrologer, and a first class human being."
"Thank you for that. It was very informative, thorough and very enlightening.. I will study it and refer to it often."
-Sofia, Canada
"Thank you so much for your reading. I found it inspiring and so precise." .
-Fred, New York
"I really wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the advise you catered at the time of utmost need."
"Thank you for this excellent analysis. It has reinforced a lot of my beliefs. Jyotish is best used to analyze the self rather than wanting to know about material success and Im glad you are practising it the right way."
-MK, Australia
" That was the most indepth reading I've ever had on any level. " .
"I'm still in the midst of reading the reading, but I wanted to say, it is wonderful! Very deep, revealing and validates so much of my experience in life so far and is giving me much to reflect on."
"Wow! What a reading! I read it aloud to my partner, had us both enthralled every step of the way. Had my hairs standing on end, which is always a sign for me of a recognition of deep truth. A total "yes" experience on every level of my being. Thank you for being such an awesome channel and intuit. I am grateful for your gift, and your sharing it with me. "
- Robert,Florida
"Probably the best complement you could get is what my wife said, "These are the most accurate readings you have ever gotten." ... Suffice it to say-from a "vedic astrologer believer affecionado" yours is simply the best. "
- Dr. Polland, USA
"By far the best astrology reading I have ever had."
"I have spent thousands on astrology over the last decade and had other 'esteemed' and 'world famous' astrologers do readings for me, some charging twice what you do...most of it has been thin and mildly formulaic. NOBODY has come close to your level of comprehension, accuracy, compassion, guidance, and truthfulness. NOBODY!
I've been around the astrological block - Vedic, Chinese, Babylonian, Mayan, Horary, and Hamburg (Uranian). I've hired the heads of astro schools and so-called experts with 30+ years of experience and I've hired the 'ancient lineage of unbroken Jyotish gurus from India" So, I'd say this qualifies me as an 'expert' astrology client!!! "
-J, Canada
"Describing your insight as "invaluable" would still be reductive. I have never received more incisive, accurate and comprehensive readings than the both which you provided. There was not one false note, and although much of your interpretation was already vaguely reminiscent, the candour and depth with which you addressed my same observations provided a valued objectivity.
I could not have asked for a more spiritually comforting and enriching gift, and in experiencing the quality of your work and intuitive perspicacity, I have added your name to my trove of healers so that others may be equally as empowered by the rare beauty and skill of your dharmic gift and guidance. I feel fortunate to have chanced upon your website, and I am infinitely and unto eternity, grateful for your having shed greater and surer light upon the path I have known lies before me still. Thank you and bless you, for having provided such profoundly personal solace to me. "
- R.T, USA
"I have had my chart done by 4 astrologers including you as I wanted to get a few viewpoints and I found your approach to be the most accessible. I got similiar information from all 4 but your commentary was easily the clearest, most lucid and most balanced of the four. "
-CG , Asia
"Veno's Vedic Astrology Reading impressed me with how accurately it described me, my career, my family, specific phases/events that had already happened in my life and, astonishingly, even my current home, possessions and activities - it seems I have already arrived at some ideal milestones. Woo hoo! The Reading really helped me understand myself and why I function the way I do as well as how and why my life journey has arrived at this point. Beyond the past and present, the reading clarified lessons I should learn or gave tips on the best solutions for problems sitting in my subconscious. I was a little apprehensive at seeing into the future as I prefer to let things unfold but to my delight, I feel quite comfortable, reassured and even a little excited! It is enlightening to know the areas I should concentrate on to improve my progress in this life, make peace and get in touch with who I am. That will help me do what I always known is my aim - improve this world by making the best of my time, my space and my interactions with those around me. The reading will be very beneficial in finding my harmony and as a reference for my way forward."
-C. Lucas, Australia
"Dear Veno- What an awesome, excellent reading. Everything is exactly right! Your reading and your books have renewed my faith and interest in astrology. I will be returning to your website in the future for horoscopes for my family and for questions."
"I was really blown away by how incredible and accurate your reading for me was. We are fortunate to have you."
"Your reading was very accurate and well communicated. There are certain points that I did not mention about Myself. You were able to draw those points with outmost accuracy. Some things that not even my parents are aware of. When so accurate from a person i've never met before, it makes me wonder about the reality of life. Not only was it accurate but you were very successful at combining the information holistically to insure proper expression of all aspects in a way that does not contradict the reading. I will recommend you. "
-AK, Canada
"I still treasure the reading which you sent, and I carry a hard copy even when I am away from home, so that your outline remains fresh in my mind - and of added solace to my heart - whenever I wish to replenish (or to discipline!) my spirits anew. I could have made no better investment for myself and there are at least a half dozen friends to whom I still hope to gift your same wisdom and kindly insights over time. You are truly heavensent, and I hope what future awaits you still is as reassuring as that which you portend for me. "
"The reading arrived promptly and was comprehensive and detailed. In general, it was an accurate assessment of different aspects of my personality and how I relate to family members, society and work life. It also included predictions about the future. I asked a followup question, and received honest and clear-sighted advice ... "
-JH in Palo Alto, California, USA
"I wanted to let you know that your reading is very true.Your observation about my children are on spot. For your information, how prone I am to accident - had a close call yesterday morning; my good fortune helped me."
"Thanks for your kindness and helping to save a drowning man. Some favours and deeds of kindness can never be repaid, only gratitude and good wishes can be offered in the same way flowers and fruits are offered to the Godess or deity in a temple."
"You wont believe but, i have read your reading may be more than 40 times, I have kept that PDF in my mobile now. You had offered valuable readings in his case at the time of emergency.. How can i forget that ?:)"
"I needed to let you know that you called it AGAIN! I also needed you to know that you have made my life a lot easier. I'm not so worried about the inevitable. You have restored my faith! With love and admiration"
" it was awesome. In many forums i was trying to know indepth and detailed effects of planets in houses and signs also naks. the way you have predicted was very clear and to the point. seriously you are the best."
"I deeply thank you for your aware and kind reading. The reading of the chart was indeed true, insightful, and helpful for me. Thank you for the wishes and for speaking on the various aspects in this life, providing the very information you did and suggestions. This has given understanding being sought."
-LD, Carribean
"It was a tremendous reading. It brought out the intricacies about myself/my mother. I am reading it again and again. It was amazing that you told so many insightful things about my wife in her reading. "
-SD, India
"What a wonderful gift to have found you! I would like to thank you so much for such an insightful analysis. Thank you for your recommendations and more than anything for your caring support and objectivity."
"Firstly I wanted to reflect back to you that your work is very special, certainly to me, and I am certain I am not alone in that assessment. The information and insights you uncovered from my chart have remained never far from my heart and mind since I have been in possession of it, and it has not only guided me, but helped me understand much better the things that have come along since and how to react more appropriately to them as they arise."
"I am so impressed by the thorough reading. It gives me a feeling that, "It's so me!" when I am going through the reading. It feels so incredible for the deepness your Vedic astrological reading can reach. And I have to thank you a lot, for all the effort put into the reading. It is a very helpful, valuable reference for my consideration of the direction I should take. I must take my time to refer to all the content again in my future. Thank you very much again. "
"This is the most perfect reading I have ever received.Your reading is precise and well written. I have total faith in your abilities."
"The reading was very informative and helped to confirm some areas I am already exploring as being on the right track, and introduced some new potentials that I probably never would of considered."
"Thank you so much for the amazing reading! It is correct , deep and personal. I am happy you have taken the fear and suspicion element out of the reading which shows your level of consciousness indeed " .
"It’s been two years since I asked you for a complete reading for me. I would like to thank you once again from the bottom of my heart, my life is infinitely easier thanks to your advice for the problem with my husband for which I asked you for a solution, since I followed your instructions and medications (and which I still follow), life with him is now infinitely easier for me and our relationship is going in a new completely positive direction, and this is also reflected in the rest of my family. My whole life has another dimension and this reading has given me great strength and healing on my further life journey."
-I, Europe