Vedic Astrology Readings & Jyotish Readings by Veno
Veno Astrology

Horoscopes of Lord Krishna
by Veno
The respected astrologer BV Raman rectified a horoscope for Lord Krishna, which can be found in his published work "Notable Horoscopes". Another version of Krishna's horoscope in popular use is mentioned in a poem by Soordas, a fifteenth century poet of Bhakti Marg, considered a great saint and renunciate.
The most reliable source for Krishna's horoscope up till now is the "Srimad Bhagavatam." The 10th skanda of this Purana contains commentaries from the great Vishvanatha Chakravarti describing the horoscope of Krishna. This matches but predates the famous poem of Soor-Dasas. However the authority for this horoscope is to be found in an older work called Kha-Maniyak.
We are still missing pieces of the puzzle. The chart is not given in its entirety. There is not enough recorded evidence to date. There is not much to go on in terms of analyzing the chart in a very detailed fashion, although some major themes can be noted.
The purpose of this article is to look more at the logic behind Raman's rectification as he has endeavoured to supply the degreeical positions of planets, with reference also to positions in what I will tag "Soordas'" version .
It has been established from original sanskrit texts that Krishna was born on Krishnashtami in the lunar month of Sravana at midnight and that the rising and lunar constellation was Rohini.
In his research Raman proposed that this took place on the 19th July 3228 BCC.
Every avatar of Vishnu has the purpose of establishing dharma and displaying his great opulences.
It is impossible to measure the opulences of Krishna, but scriptures state that he is all attractive, all wise, the most beautiful, the richest. In his life it is said Krishna had over 16000 palaces bedecked in jewels, but this is only a minute example of his wealth. He himself says he is the proprietor of all the planets making him the richest of everyone. His opulences are listed as 1)Strength 2) Fame 3)Wealth 4) Knowledge 5)Beauty 6)Renunciation.
Understanding planetary indications for a Divine Incarnation of the Lord is different to that of an ordinary man. Everything about him is fully transcendental and he is the Supreme Enjoyer of Eternal Bliss. That is his unique position.
In Krisna's chart Taurus rises and the Ascendant is graced by the presence of exalted Moon, in Rohini. Prash Trivedi in his book "The 27 Celestial Portals" states that:-
"Rohini's extraordinary charm and magnetism is made clear by the fact that Moon, whose duty it is to spend only a certain amount of time with each of the nakshatras in his monthly travel through the zodiac, at one point refused to leave Rohini's abode"
Rohini, falling in the sign of beauty, Taurus, is the most alluring amongst all the nakshatras. On the Ascendant it gives large and expressive eyes, refined sensual and seductive features and a smiling countenance. Smiling is also a second house affair, and here we see the sign of playfulness and mischievous Gemini on the second cusp,with its lord Mercury exalted in the radiant, cultured and kind constellation of uttara phalguni in the 5th house of love. Uttaraphalguni is a great yet noble trickster and an expert cassanova.
These sign positions of Moon and Mercury are present in the horoscope attributed to Soordas poem and also Raman's Version.
In Raman's chart, the aspect of 9th lord Saturn on the Ascendant and Moon may give some strong discipline over the mind and body and great detachment. Saturn's aspect on the Moon is considered beneficial for renunciation, which may be the case for normal persons.Renunciation is also seen in Raman's chart with Ascendant lord Venus conjunct 12th lord Mars. One has aligned their will to unite with Divine. In Raman's chart Mars is debilitated, neechabhanga and vargottama, perhaps according to Raman's reasoning, inferring a certain effortlessness in the process as Mars is the planet of effort. Mars however being debilitated vargottama is not auspicious, its neechabhanga is weak in the navamsa.
In Soordas' chart, exalted Saturn conjunct Ascendant lord Venus gives more powerful control over the body, the Ketu's influence on the Moon can indicate perfection of one's lunar nature, and a mind that has access beyond the material world and to secrets related to the functioning's of the universe without the limiting aspect of Saturn. An exalted 12th lord in the 9th in Saturn's sign can indicate great renunciation as does Ketu's presence with Ascendant and Moon in the sign of Taurus.
The presence of exalted Moon gives extremely feminine qualities to the appearance, crimson cheeks and coral lips (Rohini being the "reddish one"). Moon is fickle, charming, playful and a great romantic. Rohini is one of the wealthiest of constellations, and here wealth or opulence is not only an aspect of one's personality and appearance, but the general theme of one's life. Rohini is a long life constellation and in Raman's chart, the 8th lord Jupiter is possessing strength in a kendra with moolatrikona Sun,with digbala and vargottama Saturn in the 7th house.
In Soordas' chart, Moon suffers from Kema druma yoga giving danger in infancy, but the Ascendant lord and Saturn are rendered strong, along with 8th lord Jupiter in own sign.
In Raman's chart, Rohini, an extremely productive and creative influence in regards to the Moon and the exchange with Venus who occupies Cancer in the constellation of Pushya in the third house gives great artistry to the body, mental and physical prowess, an inquisitive and protective nature. Taurus, Rohini and Pushya relate to cows, Krishna being a cowherd boy and the protector of cows.Pushya is the most beloved and benign of all nakshatras, and has the quality of nourishment or giving unselfishly just as the milk yielding udder of the cow. This sacrificing quality is enhanced with Rahu also being in Pushya (Rahu amplifying the Venusian qualities in the chart) conjunct an effortless acting 12th lord Mars (Mars the planet of effort is debilitated, but neechabhanga) in a constellation of unlimited expansion,Purnavasu.
In Soordas's chart third lord is also giving great artistry to body, and mental, physical prowess, but with less complexity and more purity than the exchange indicated in Raman's chart. In addition to the 3rd lord Moon in Rohini, Taurus (protector of cows),Ascendant lord Venus in 6th with 9th and 10th lord Saturn makes one a protector and upholder of dharma in general, Krishna's main mission.
In Raman's chart, Venus is closely conjunct friend Rahu giving diplomatic power, and vargottama Mars, giving a vibrant sexual attractiveness and in Raman's opinion devoid of carnal lust .Raman gives the reason that Mars is far enough from Venus and Rahu, but this seems to be a weak reason. The Sun is very powerful in the chart giving control of the senses.
In Soordas' chart, diplomatic power is indicated by Venus and Saturn in Libra, planet of lust and vitality Mars is powerful but controlled in Saturn's sign and is aspected by Ketu (mokshakaraka).
Krishna's complexion was smoky, dark, sky blue. In Raman's chart Venus is conjunct smoky bluish hued planet Rahu and blue planet Saturn aspects Ascendant. In Soordas' chart, Ascendant lord is conjunct Saturn and Rahu aspects Ascendant.
Rahu's aspect on Ascendant (Soordas') or its lord (Raman's) adds a certain magnetism or hypnotic quality to the personality. In Soordas' chart there is a lot of hypnotic influence in 7th house and Raman's chart the hypnotic influence is particularly focused in one's personal environment (3rd house). Having Rahu though conjunct the Ascendant lord in its enemy sign of Cancer in Raman's chart does not appear auspicious for self clarity.
The nodes are not as powerful in Raman's chart compared to Soordas.Raman's sign placement of the nodes are weaker and the dispositors are mixed in strength. As the balance of the entire horoscope rests on the nodal axis, the serpent forces, which Krishna has complete mastery over, so one would expect the nodes to be immaculately positioned in both Rasi and Navamsa. .
Krishna has a more roguish quality in Raman's chart because of Rahu close to Venus.
Krishna enchanted women, cows and all of nature with his musical flute playing, airy sign Gemini on the 2nd house with exalted Mercury in 5th house and 3rd lord Moon exalted in Rohini.
In one of his pasttimes, He was very pleased one day with peacocks (Mars) dancing ecstatically to his flute, a display of great submission and enchanted surrender by these colourful birds and is always depicted wearing a peacock feather on his head. It might be seen as a metaphor for Krishna's control over the desire aspect martian aspect of nature.
In Raman's chart Mars being 12th lord, and clearly powerless in respects to musical Venus and Moon exchange might be Raman's implication for this.
In Soordas' chart, Mars is very elevated in its position near the midheaven. Having occult Rahu in Mar's sign in 7th, points towards a magical relationship with martian elements, Rahu sitting opposite the 3rd lord Moon in Rohini. Debilitated Mars is not required for surrender to happen, because it is already 12th lord.
In Raman's chart His birth in a prison is seen by the 12th lord Mars being conjunct Ascendant lord and Rahu. In Soordas' chart, one can see from Moon and ketu that there was danger and occult forces happening around the time of birth.
Upon his birth a miracle happened, the prison doors opened by themselves and all the guards fell asleep (a demonstration of Krishna's authority over his 12th lord Mars in Raman's chart, in the sense that Mars has a certain powerlessness). In Soordas' chart it is really the nodal connection on the Ascendant with Rahu's dispositor Mars being 12th lord that intimates this potential.
The night of his birth saw heavy floods, and Sheshnag the serpent (nodes) formed an umbrella to save the baby from the rain.This is a very powerful incident, which I can only intuit means a complete awakening of kundalini forces immediately at birth. In Raman's chart Saturn (a slow acting planet), being dispositor of south node, does not seem to support to this occasion.
Krisha's eldest siblings were all killed by his maternal uncle Kamsa whom Krishna later slayed. Maternal uncle is represented by 6th house. Raman gives the reason for loss that Jupiter has gained 8 navamsas.That does not tell us much.
Jupiter is the natural ruler of the 8th and 11th house in the chart combining these two affairs of life together. In Soordas chart there is a strong 6th house focus with Ascendant lord and Saturn. Venus Saturn are placed in a 6th /8th relationship with 11th lord Jupiter.
Krishna's guidance helped the Pandavas win the famous Kurukshetra war. In Soorda's chart Krishna is seen as a expert in strategics of battle with exalted Mars in Capricorn and Saturn and Venus in 6th house Libra. In Raman's chart the third house emphasis shows Krishna's military prowess also but from a place of more roguish trickery, lack of effort and gentle persuasion. Raman's chart has less refinement than Soordas version. Debilitation of Mars is not required to show one's conquest over Mar's domains in the chart. For me it is not a matter of conquest, which is what Raman seems to be focusing on, it is a matter of perfect alignment. Although in some respects if Mars was alone and debilitated in third house, it would be powerful and retain its intrinsic purity, and give Mars a more emotive quality.One could argue that Krishna's paramours, peacocks, Radha etc, are better illustrated by debilitated Neechabhanga Mars, due to the loss of self (debilitation) through an emotionally rapturous catharsis and then the subsequent exalted union (neechabhanga) with the Lord.
The discourse on the Bhagvadgita seems to relate alot to 2nd house, 5th house/3rd house, 9th house energies and a strong relationship to 7th house which one could argue is present in both charts.
Krishna's great paramour Radha (who in some schools of thought was 8 years older than him) was in Raman's opinion, obviously better illustrated with Saturn (age increase and separation) occupying the 7th house, whereas in Soordas' chart Saturn is with Venus (natural karaka for one's love) in the 6th house. The 7th lord is rendered much stronger and willful in Soordas' chart than in Raman's chart. Raman's chart indicates many upheavals experienced in 7th house matters, Saturn vargottama in enemy Scorpio. Rahu in 7th (Soordas' chart) is also causing dramas and controversy, but here because it has been thought by some experts that Rahu is exalted in Scorpio and Ketu is exalted in Taurus if one is seeing the chart from a more mystical refined angle, the 7th house is more potent in showing the mystical union between Radha and Krishna. Saturn in 7th in Raman's chart cannot be said to give innumerable relationships and historically we know Krishna had and has infinite number of relationships. Saturn the planet of limitation seems better served in the 6th house of limiting the power of enemies as in Soordas' chart, then in limiting number and scope of relationships as in Raman's chart.
Seeing Rahu and Ketu are crucial in amplifying the real challenges of one's incarnation, in Soordas' chart it is seen to be the play between Krishna and his establishment of relationship with the world at large. Krishna's extraordinary partnerships with Radha, His brother Balarama, Arjuna, and his ability to play intimately with all his gopis are most memorable in his life experience. Also 11th lord Jupiter is aspecting a very pure 5th lord exalted in 5th house and 7th house from its own limitless sign, giving unlimited loves and relationships. In Raman's chart the dynamic axis position of Rahu and Ketu is the play of the spiritual revolutionary.
Krishna's inseparable tie with his brother Balarama can be argued to shine quite convincingly in both charts.
The one thing I did find of interest in Raman's version of Krishna's chart is in relation to Krishna's death. Krishna died after being hit by an arrow, while he was sitting under an Aswatha tree. A fowler named Jara, thinking the foot of Krishna to be like the face of a deer shot his arrow. In Raman's chart the 8th lord Jupiter is occupying the 4th house with Sun (who represents trees of the type such as Aswatha), and the lord of the feet (12th lord) and arrow Mars occupies the constellation of the 8th lord.
Whether Sun is in Leo alone as in Soordas' chart or whether Jupiter and Sun are together in Raman's chart, it points to a heart centred in perfect fractality and it is this most perfect heart (Mercury also exalted in 5th house) which must be present in any avatar's chart, heart being the key to the door of the eternal light of the Divine. It also makes for the perfect Enjoyer.
When we come back to Krishna's own words, "I am the proprietor of all the planets" - in Soordas' chart, the planets appear extraordinarily powerful in each individual case, making it difficult to dispute the chart's power. It is hard to validate details of events, but its overall power and integrity is far superior to Raman's.In Raman's chart because of the weak and conflicting combinations , for me Soordas' version is more fitting. I agree with the late Bepin Behari, a mentor whom I corresponded with in my earlier years, that one has to pay special attention to the presence of a coherent pattern in the chart, to gauge evolutionary potential. The navamsa of such a great personage as Krishna will be a flawless work of art. However as an exercise in understanding two different viewpoints on the most endearing historical figure to date, it has been an interesting study.